Source code for linode_api4.groups.image

from typing import BinaryIO, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import requests

from linode_api4.errors import UnexpectedResponseError
from linode_api4.groups import Group
from linode_api4.objects import Disk, Image
from linode_api4.objects.base import _flatten_request_body_recursive
from linode_api4.util import drop_null_keys

[docs] class ImageGroup(Group):
[docs] def __call__(self, *filters): """ Retrieves a list of available Images, including public and private Images available to the acting user. You can filter this query to retrieve only Images relevant to a specific query, for example:: debian_images = client.images( Image.vendor == "debain") API Documentation: :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :returns: A list of available Images. :rtype: PaginatedList of Image """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Image, *filters)
[docs] def create( self, disk: Union[Disk, int], label: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, cloud_init: bool = False, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """ Creates a new Image from a disk you own. API Documentation: :param disk: The Disk to imagize. :type disk: Union[Disk, int] :param label: The label for the resulting Image (defaults to the disk's label. :type label: str :param description: The description for the new Image. :type description: str :param cloud_init: Whether this Image supports cloud-init. :type cloud_init: bool :param tags: A list of customized tags of this new Image. :type tags: Optional[List[str]] :returns: The new Image. :rtype: Image """ params = { "disk_id": disk, "label": label, "description": description, "tags": tags, } if cloud_init: params["cloud_init"] = cloud_init result = "/images", data=_flatten_request_body_recursive(drop_null_keys(params)), ) if not "id" in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when creating an Image from disk {}".format( disk ) ) return Image(self.client, result["id"], result)
[docs] def create_upload( self, label: str, region: str, description: Optional[str] = None, cloud_init: bool = False, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Image, str]: """ Creates a new Image and returns the corresponding upload URL. API Documentation: :param label: The label of the Image to create. :type label: str :param region: The region to upload to. Once the image has been created, it can be used in any region. :type region: str :param description: The description for the new Image. :type description: str :param cloud_init: Whether this Image supports cloud-init. :type cloud_init: bool :param tags: A list of customized tags of this Image. :type tags: Optional[List[str]] :returns: A tuple containing the new image and the image upload URL. :rtype: (Image, str) """ params = { "label": label, "region": region, "description": description, "tags": tags, } if cloud_init: params["cloud_init"] = cloud_init result ="/images/upload", data=drop_null_keys(params)) if "image" not in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when creating an Image upload URL" ) result_image = result["image"] result_url = result["upload_to"] return Image(self.client, result_image["id"], result_image), result_url
[docs] def upload( self, label: str, region: str, file: BinaryIO, description: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Image: """ Creates and uploads a new image. API Documentation: :param label: The label of the Image to create. :type label: str :param region: The region to upload to. Once the image has been created, it can be used in any region. :type region: str :param file: The BinaryIO object to upload to the image. This is generally obtained from open("myfile", "rb"). :param description: The description for the new Image. :type description: str :param tags: A list of customized tags of this Image. :type tags: Optional[List[str]] :returns: The resulting image. :rtype: Image """ image, url = self.create_upload( label, region, description=description, tags=tags ) requests.put( url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"}, data=file, ) image._api_get() return image