Source code for linode_api4.groups.linode

import base64
import os
from import Iterable

from linode_api4 import Profile
from linode_api4.common import SSH_KEY_TYPES, load_and_validate_keys
from linode_api4.errors import UnexpectedResponseError
from linode_api4.groups import Group
from linode_api4.objects import (
from linode_api4.objects.filtering import Filter
from linode_api4.paginated_list import PaginatedList

[docs] class LinodeGroup(Group): """ Encapsulates Linode-related methods of the :any:`LinodeClient`. This should not be instantiated on its own, but should instead be used through an instance of :any:`LinodeClient`:: client = LinodeClient(token) instances = client.linode.instances() # use the LinodeGroup This group contains all features beneath the `/linode` group in the API v4. """
[docs] def types(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of Linode Instance types. These may be used to create or resize Linodes, or simply referenced on their own. Types can be filtered to return specific types, for example:: standard_types = client.linode.types(Type.class == "standard") API documentation: :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :returns: A list of types that match the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of Type """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Type, *filters)
[docs] def instances(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of Linode Instances on your account. You may filter this query to return only Linodes that match specific criteria:: prod_linodes = client.linode.instances( == "prod") API Documentation: :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :returns: A list of Instances that matched the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of Instance """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Instance, *filters)
[docs] def stackscripts(self, *filters, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :any:`StackScripts<StackScript>`, both public and private. You may filter this query to return only :any:`StackScripts<StackScript>` that match certain criteria. You may also request only your own private :any:`StackScripts<StackScript>`:: my_stackscripts = client.linode.stackscripts(mine_only=True) API Documentation: :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :param mine_only: If True, returns only private StackScripts :type mine_only: bool :returns: A list of StackScripts matching the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of StackScript """ # python2 can't handle *args and a single keyword argument, so this is a workaround if "mine_only" in kwargs: if kwargs["mine_only"]: new_filter = Filter({"mine": True}) if filters: filters = list(filters) filters[0] = filters[0] & new_filter else: filters = [new_filter] del kwargs["mine_only"] if kwargs: raise TypeError( "stackscripts() got unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format( kwargs.popitem()[0] ) ) return self.client._get_and_filter(StackScript, *filters)
[docs] def kernels(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of available :any:`Kernels<Kernel>`. Kernels are used when creating or updating :any:`LinodeConfigs,LinodeConfig>`. API Documentation: :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :returns: A list of available kernels that match the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of Kernel """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Kernel, *filters)
# create things
[docs] def instance_create( self, ltype, region, image=None, authorized_keys=None, **kwargs ): """ Creates a new Linode Instance. This function has several modes of operation: **Create an Instance from an Image** To create an Instance from an :any:`Image`, call `instance_create` with a :any:`Type`, a :any:`Region`, and an :any:`Image`. All three of these fields may be provided as either the ID or the appropriate object. In this mode, a root password will be generated and returned with the new Instance object. For example:: new_linode, password = client.linode.instance_create( "g6-standard-2", "us-east", image="linode/debian9") ltype = client.linode.types().first() region = client.regions().first() image = client.images().first() another_linode, password = client.linode.instance_create( ltype, region, image=image) To output the password from the above example: print(password) To output the first IPv4 address of the new Linode: print(new_linode.ipv4[0]) To delete the new_linode (WARNING: this immediately destroys the Linode): new_linode.delete() **Create an Instance from StackScript** When creating an Instance from a :any:`StackScript`, an :any:`Image` that the StackScript support must be provided.. You must also provide any required StackScript data for the script's User Defined Fields.. For example, if deploying `StackScript 10079`_ (which deploys a new Instance with a user created from keys on `github`_:: stackscript = StackScript(client, 10079) new_linode, password = client.linode.instance_create( "g6-standard-2", "us-east", image="linode/debian9", stackscript=stackscript, stackscript_data={"gh_username": "example"}) In the above example, "gh_username" is the name of a User Defined Field in the chosen StackScript. For more information on StackScripts, see the `StackScript guide`_. .. _`StackScript 10079`: .. _`github`: .. _`StackScript guide`: **Create an Instance from a Backup** To create a new Instance by restoring a :any:`Backup` to it, provide a :any:`Type`, a :any:`Region`, and the :any:`Backup` to restore. You may provide either IDs or objects for all of these fields:: existing_linode = Instance(client, 123) snapshot = existing_linode.available_backups.snapshot.current new_linode = client.linode.instance_create( "g6-standard-2", "us-east", backup=snapshot) **Create an empty Instance** If you want to create an empty Instance that you will configure manually, simply call `instance_create` with a :any:`Type` and a :any:`Region`:: empty_linode = client.linode.instance_create("g6-standard-2", "us-east") When created this way, the Instance will not be booted and cannot boot successfully until disks and configs are created, or it is otherwise configured. API Documentation: :param ltype: The Instance Type we are creating :type ltype: str or Type :param region: The Region in which we are creating the Instance :type region: str or Region :param image: The Image to deploy to this Instance. If this is provided and no root_pass is given, a password will be generated and returned along with the new Instance. :type image: str or Image :param stackscript: The StackScript to deploy to the new Instance. If provided, "image" is required and must be compatible with the chosen StackScript. :type stackscript: int or StackScript :param stackscript_data: Values for the User Defined Fields defined in the chosen StackScript. Does nothing if StackScript is not provided. :type stackscript_data: dict :param backup: The Backup to restore to the new Instance. May not be provided if "image" is given. :type backup: int of Backup :param authorized_keys: The ssh public keys to install in the linode's /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Each entry may be a single key, or a path to a file containing the key. :type authorized_keys: list or str :param label: The display label for the new Instance :type label: str :param group: The display group for the new Instance :type group: str :param booted: Whether the new Instance should be booted. This will default to True if the Instance is deployed from an Image or Backup. :type booted: bool :param tags: A list of tags to apply to the new instance. If any of the tags included do not exist, they will be created as part of this operation. :type tags: list[str] :param private_ip: Whether the new Instance should have private networking enabled and assigned a private IPv4 address. :type private_ip: bool :param metadata: Metadata-related fields to use when creating the new Instance. The contents of this field can be built using the :any:`build_instance_metadata` method. :type metadata: dict :param firewall: The firewall to attach this Linode to. :type firewall: int or Firewall :param interfaces: An array of Network Interfaces to add to this Linode’s Configuration Profile. At least one and up to three Interface objects can exist in this array. :type interfaces: list[ConfigInterface] or list[dict[str, Any]] :returns: A new Instance object, or a tuple containing the new Instance and the generated password. :rtype: Instance or tuple(Instance, str) :raises ApiError: If contacting the API fails :raises UnexpectedResponseError: If the API response is somehow malformed. This usually indicates that you are using an outdated library. """ ret_pass = None if image and not "root_pass" in kwargs: ret_pass = Instance.generate_root_password() kwargs["root_pass"] = ret_pass authorized_keys = load_and_validate_keys(authorized_keys) if "stackscript" in kwargs: # translate stackscripts kwargs["stackscript_id"] = ( kwargs["stackscript"].id if issubclass(type(kwargs["stackscript"]), Base) else kwargs["stackscript"] ) del kwargs["stackscript"] if "backup" in kwargs: # translate backups kwargs["backup_id"] = ( kwargs["backup"].id if issubclass(type(kwargs["backup"]), Base) else kwargs["backup"] ) del kwargs["backup"] if "firewall" in kwargs: fw = kwargs.pop("firewall") kwargs["firewall_id"] = if isinstance(fw, Firewall) else fw if "interfaces" in kwargs: interfaces = kwargs.get("interfaces") if interfaces is not None and isinstance(interfaces, Iterable): kwargs["interfaces"] = [ i._serialize() if isinstance(i, ConfigInterface) else i for i in interfaces ] params = { "type": if issubclass(type(ltype), Base) else ltype, "region": if issubclass(type(region), Base) else region, "image": ( ( if issubclass(type(image), Base) else image) if image else None ), "authorized_keys": authorized_keys, } params.update(kwargs) result ="/linode/instances", data=params) if not "id" in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when creating linode!", json=result ) l = Instance(self.client, result["id"], result) if not ret_pass: return l return l, ret_pass
[docs] @staticmethod def build_instance_metadata(user_data=None, encode_user_data=True): """ Builds the contents of the ``metadata`` field to be passed into the :any:`instance_create` method. This helper can also be used when cloning and rebuilding Instances. **Creating an Instance with User Data**:: new_linode, password = client.linode.instance_create( "g6-standard-2", "us-east", image="linode/ubuntu22.04", metadata=client.linode.build_instance_metadata(user_data="myuserdata") ) :param user_data: User-defined data to provide to the Linode Instance through the Metadata service. :type user_data: str :param encode_user_data: If true, the provided user_data field will be automatically encoded to a valid base64 string. This field should only be set to false if the user_data param is already base64-encoded. :type encode_user_data: bool :returns: The built ``metadata`` structure. :rtype: dict """ result = {} if user_data is not None: result["user_data"] = ( base64.b64encode(user_data.encode()).decode() if encode_user_data else user_data ) return result
[docs] def stackscript_create( self, label, script, images, desc=None, public=False, **kwargs ): """ Creates a new :any:`StackScript` on your account. API Documentation: :param label: The label for this StackScript. :type label: str :param script: The script to run when an :any:`Instance` is deployed with this StackScript. Must begin with a shebang (#!). :type script: str :param images: A list of :any:`Images<Image>` that this StackScript supports. Instances will not be deployed from this StackScript unless deployed from one of these Images. :type images: list of Image :param desc: A description for this StackScript. :type desc: str :param public: Whether this StackScript is public. Defaults to False. Once a StackScript is made public, it may not be set back to private. :type public: bool :returns: The new StackScript :rtype: StackScript """ image_list = None if type(images) is list or type(images) is PaginatedList: image_list = [ if issubclass(type(d), Base) else d for d in images ] elif type(images) is Image: image_list = [] elif type(images) is str: image_list = [images] else: raise ValueError( "images must be a list of Images or a single Image" ) script_body = script if not script.startswith("#!"): # it doesn't look like a stackscript body, let's see if it's a file if os.path.isfile(script): with open(script) as f: script_body = else: raise ValueError( "script must be the script text or a path to a file" ) params = { "label": label, "images": image_list, "is_public": public, "script": script_body, "description": desc if desc else "", } params.update(kwargs) result ="/linode/stackscripts", data=params) if not "id" in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when creating StackScript!", json=result ) s = StackScript(self.client, result["id"], result) return s