Source code for linode_api4.groups.vpc

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from linode_api4.errors import UnexpectedResponseError
from linode_api4.groups import Group
from linode_api4.objects import VPC, Region, VPCIPAddress
from linode_api4.paginated_list import PaginatedList

[docs] class VPCGroup(Group):
[docs] def __call__(self, *filters) -> PaginatedList: """ Retrieves all of the VPCs the acting user has access to. This is intended to be called off of the :any:`LinodeClient` class, like this:: vpcs = client.vpcs() API Documentation: TODO :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :returns: A list of VPC the acting user can access. :rtype: PaginatedList of VPC """ return self.client._get_and_filter(VPC, *filters)
[docs] def create( self, label: str, region: Union[Region, str], description: Optional[str] = None, subnets: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> VPC: """ Creates a new VPC under your Linode account. API Documentation: TODO :param label: The label of the newly created VPC. :type label: str :param region: The region of the newly created VPC. :type region: Union[Region, str] :param description: The user-defined description of this VPC. :type description: Optional[str] :param subnets: A list of subnets to create under this VPC. :type subnets: List[Dict[str, Any]] :returns: The new VPC object. :rtype: VPC """ params = { "label": label, "region": if isinstance(region, Region) else region, } if description is not None: params["description"] = description if subnets is not None and len(subnets) > 0: for subnet in subnets: if not isinstance(subnet, dict): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported type for subnet: {type(subnet)}" ) params["subnets"] = subnets params.update(kwargs) result ="/vpcs", data=params) if not "id" in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when creating VPC", json=result ) d = VPC(self.client, result["id"], result) return d
[docs] def ips(self, *filters) -> PaginatedList: """ Retrieves all of the VPC IP addresses for the current account matching the given filters. This is intended to be called from the :any:`LinodeClient` class, like this:: vpc_ips = client.vpcs.ips() API Documentation: TODO :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. See :doc:`Filtering Collections</linode_api4/objects/filtering>` for more details on filtering. :returns: A list of VPCIPAddresses the acting user can access. :rtype: PaginatedList of VPCIPAddress """ return self.client._get_and_filter( VPCIPAddress, *filters, endpoint="/vpcs/ips" )