Source code for linode_api4.objects.account

from datetime import datetime

import requests

from linode_api4.errors import ApiError, UnexpectedResponseError
from linode_api4.objects import (
from linode_api4.objects.longview import LongviewClient, LongviewSubscription
from linode_api4.objects.nodebalancer import NodeBalancer
from import SupportTicket

[docs] class Account(Base): """ The contact and billing information related to your Account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account" id_attribute = "email" properties = { "company": Property(mutable=True), "country": Property(mutable=True), "balance": Property(), "address_1": Property(mutable=True), "last_name": Property(mutable=True), "city": Property(mutable=True), "state": Property(mutable=True), "first_name": Property(mutable=True), "phone": Property(mutable=True), "email": Property(mutable=True), "zip": Property(mutable=True), "address_2": Property(mutable=True), "tax_id": Property(mutable=True), "capabilities": Property(unordered=True), "credit_card": Property(), "active_promotions": Property(), "active_since": Property(), "balance_uninvoiced": Property(), "billing_source": Property(), "euuid": Property(), }
[docs] class ServiceTransfer(Base): """ A transfer request for transferring a service between Linode accounts. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/service-transfers/{token}" id_attribute = "token" properties = { "token": Property(identifier=True), "created": Property(is_datetime=True), "updated": Property(is_datetime=True), "is_sender": Property(), "expiry": Property(), "status": Property(), "entities": Property(), }
[docs] def service_transfer_accept(self): """ Accept a Service Transfer for the provided token to receive the services included in the transfer to your account. API Documentation: """ resp = "{}/accept".format(self.api_endpoint), model=self, ) if "errors" in resp: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when accepting service transfer!", json=resp, )
[docs] class PaymentMethod(Base): """ A payment method to be used on this Linode account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/payment-methods/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "created": Property(is_datetime=True), "is_default": Property(), "type": Property(), "data": Property(), }
[docs] def payment_method_make_default(self): """ Make this Payment Method the default method for automatically processing payments. API Documentation: """ resp = "{}/make-default".format(self.api_endpoint), model=self, ) if "errors" in resp: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when making payment method default!", json=resp, )
[docs] class Login(Base): """ A login entry for this account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/logins/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "datetime": Property(is_datetime=True), "ip": Property(), "restricted": Property(), "status": Property(), "username": Property(), }
[docs] class AccountSettings(Base): """ Information related to your Account settings. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/settings" id_attribute = "managed" # this isn't actually used properties = { "network_helper": Property(mutable=True), "managed": Property(), "longview_subscription": Property( slug_relationship=LongviewSubscription ), "object_storage": Property(), "backups_enabled": Property(mutable=True), }
[docs] class Event(Base): """ An event object representing an event that took place on this account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/events/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "percent_complete": Property(volatile=True), "created": Property(is_datetime=True), "updated": Property(is_datetime=True), "seen": Property(), "read": Property(), "action": Property(), "user_id": Property(), "username": Property(), "entity": Property(), "time_remaining": Property(), "rate": Property(), "status": Property(), "duration": Property(), "secondary_entity": Property(), "message": Property(), } @property def linode(self): """ Returns the Linode Instance referenced by this event. :returns: The Linode Instance referenced by this event. :rtype: Optional[Instance] """ if self.entity and self.entity.type == "linode": return Instance(self._client, return None @property def stackscript(self): """ Returns the Linode StackScript referenced by this event. :returns: The Linode StackScript referenced by this event. :rtype: Optional[StackScript] """ if self.entity and self.entity.type == "stackscript": return StackScript(self._client, return None @property def domain(self): """ Returns the Linode Domain referenced by this event. :returns: The Linode Domain referenced by this event. :rtype: Optional[Domain] """ if self.entity and self.entity.type == "domain": return Domain(self._client, return None @property def nodebalancer(self): """ Returns the Linode NodeBalancer referenced by this event. :returns: The Linode NodeBalancer referenced by this event. :rtype: Optional[NodeBalancer] """ if self.entity and self.entity.type == "nodebalancer": return NodeBalancer(self._client, return None @property def ticket(self): """ Returns the Linode Support Ticket referenced by this event. :returns: The Linode Support Ticket referenced by this event. :rtype: Optional[SupportTicket] """ if self.entity and self.entity.type == "ticket": return SupportTicket(self._client, return None @property def volume(self): """ Returns the Linode Volume referenced by this event. :returns: The Linode Volume referenced by this event. :rtype: Optional[Volume] """ if self.entity and self.entity.type == "volume": return Volume(self._client, return None
[docs] def mark_read(self): """ Marks a single Event as read. API Documentation: """"{}/read".format(Event.api_endpoint), model=self)
[docs] def mark_seen(self): """ Marks a single Event as seen. API Documentation: """"{}/seen".format(Event.api_endpoint), model=self)
[docs] class InvoiceItem(DerivedBase): """ An individual invoice item under an :any:`Invoice` object. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/invoices/{invoice_id}/items" derived_url_path = "items" parent_id_name = "invoice_id" id_attribute = "label" # this has to be something properties = { "invoice_id": Property(identifier=True), "unit_price": Property(), "label": Property(), "amount": Property(), "quantity": Property(), #'from_date': Property(is_datetime=True), this is populated below from the "from" attribute "to": Property(is_datetime=True), #'to_date': Property(is_datetime=True), this is populated below from the "to" attribute "type": Property(), } def _populate(self, json): """ Allows population of "from_date" from the returned "from" attribute which is a reserved word in python. Also populates "to_date" to be complete. """ super()._populate(json) self.from_date = datetime.strptime(json["from"], DATE_FORMAT) self.to_date = datetime.strptime(json["to"], DATE_FORMAT)
[docs] class Invoice(Base): """ A single invoice on this Linode account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/invoices/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "label": Property(), "date": Property(is_datetime=True), "total": Property(), "items": Property(derived_class=InvoiceItem), "tax": Property(), "tax_summary": Property(), "subtotal": Property(), }
[docs] class OAuthClient(Base): """ An OAuthClient object that can be used to authenticate apps with this account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/oauth-clients/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "label": Property(mutable=True), "secret": Property(), "redirect_uri": Property(mutable=True), "status": Property(), "public": Property(mutable=True), "thumbnail_url": Property(), }
[docs] def reset_secret(self): """ Resets the client secret for this client. API Documentation: """ result = "{}/reset_secret".format(OAuthClient.api_endpoint), model=self ) if not "id" in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response when resetting secret!", json=result ) self._populate(result) return self.secret
[docs] def thumbnail(self, dump_to=None): """ This returns binary data that represents a 128x128 image. If dump_to is given, attempts to write the image to a file at the given location. API Documentation: """ headers = {"Authorization": "token {}".format(self._client.token)} result = requests.get( "{}/{}/thumbnail".format( self._client.base_url, OAuthClient.api_endpoint.format(, ), headers=headers, ) if not result.status_code == 200: raise ApiError( "No thumbnail found for OAuthClient {}".format( ) if dump_to: with open(dump_to, "wb+") as f: f.write(result.content) return result.content
[docs] def set_thumbnail(self, thumbnail): """ Sets the thumbnail for this OAuth Client. If thumbnail is bytes, uploads it as a png. Otherwise, assumes thumbnail is a path to the thumbnail and reads it in as bytes before uploading. API Documentation: """ headers = { "Authorization": "token {}".format(self._client.token), "Content-type": "image/png", } # TODO this check needs to be smarter - python2 doesn't do it right if not isinstance(thumbnail, bytes): with open(thumbnail, "rb") as f: thumbnail = result = requests.put( "{}/{}/thumbnail".format( self._client.base_url, OAuthClient.api_endpoint.format(, ), headers=headers, data=thumbnail, ) if not result.status_code == 200: errors = [] j = result.json() if "errors" in j: errors = [e["reason"] for e in j["errors"]] raise ApiError("{}: {}".format(result.status_code, errors), json=j) return True
[docs] class Payment(Base): """ An object representing a single payment on the current Linode Account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/payments/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "date": Property(is_datetime=True), "usd": Property(), }
[docs] class User(Base): """ An object representing a single user on this account. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/users/{id}" id_attribute = "username" properties = { "email": Property(), "username": Property(identifier=True, mutable=True), "restricted": Property(mutable=True), "ssh_keys": Property(), "tfa_enabled": Property(), } @property def grants(self): """ Retrieves the grants for this user. If the user is unrestricted, this will result in an ApiError. This is smart, and will only fetch from the api once unless the object is invalidated. API Documentation: :returns: The grants for this user. :rtype: linode.objects.account.UserGrants """ from linode_api4.objects.account import ( # pylint: disable-all UserGrants, ) if not hasattr(self, "_grants"): resp = self._client.get( UserGrants.api_endpoint.format(username=self.username) ) grants = UserGrants(self._client, self.username, resp) self._set("_grants", grants) return self._grants
[docs] def invalidate(self): if hasattr(self, "_grants"): del self._grants Base.invalidate(self)
[docs] def get_obj_grants(): """ Returns Grant keys mapped to Object types. """ from linode_api4.objects import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel Database, Firewall, ) return ( ("linode", Instance), ("domain", Domain), ("stackscript", StackScript), ("nodebalancer", NodeBalancer), ("volume", Volume), ("image", Image), ("longview", LongviewClient), ("database", Database), ("firewall", Firewall), )
[docs] class Grant: """ A Grant is a single grant a user has to an object. A Grant's entity is an object on the account, such as a Linode, NodeBalancer, or Volume, and its permissions level is one of None, "read_only" or "read_write". Grants cannot be accessed or updated individually, and are only relevant in the context of a UserGrants object. """ def __init__(self, client, cls, dct): self._client = client self.cls = cls = dct["id"] self.label = dct["label"] self.permissions = dct["permissions"] @property def entity(self): """ Returns the object this grant is for. The objects type depends on the type of object this grant is applied to, and the object returned is not populated (accessing its attributes will trigger an api request). :returns: This grant's entity :rtype: Linode, NodeBalancer, Domain, StackScript, Volume, or Longview """ # there are no grants for derived types, so this shouldn't happen if not issubclass(self.cls, Base) or issubclass(self.cls, DerivedBase): raise ValueError( "Cannot get entity for non-base-class {}".format(self.cls) ) return self.cls(self._client, def _serialize(self): """ Returns this grant in as JSON the api will accept. This is only relevant in the context of """ return {"permissions": self.permissions, "id":}
[docs] class UserGrants: """ The UserGrants object represents the grants given to a restricted user. Each section of grants has a list of objects and the level of grants this user has to that object. This is not an instance of Base because it lacks most of the attributes of a Base-like model (such as a unique, ID-based endpoint at which to access it), however it has some similarities so that its usage is familiar. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/users/{username}/grants" parent_id_name = "username" def __init__(self, client, username, json=None): self._client = client self.username = username if json is not None: self._populate(json) def _populate(self, json): self.global_grants = type("global_grants", (object,), json["global"]) for key, cls in get_obj_grants(): lst = [] for gdct in json[key]: lst.append(Grant(self._client, cls, gdct)) setattr(self, key, lst)
[docs] def save(self): """ Applies the grants to the parent user. API Documentation: """ req = { "global": { k: v for k, v in vars(self.global_grants).items() if not k.startswith("_") }, } for key, _ in get_obj_grants(): lst = [] for cg in getattr(self, key): lst.append(cg._serialize()) req[key] = lst result = self._client.put( UserGrants.api_endpoint.format(username=self.username), data=req ) self._populate(result) return True
[docs] class AccountBetaProgram(Base): """ The details and enrollment information of a Beta program that an account is enrolled in. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/account/betas/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "label": Property(), "description": Property(), "started": Property(is_datetime=True), "ended": Property(is_datetime=True), "enrolled": Property(is_datetime=True), }
[docs] class AccountAvailability(Base): """ Contains information about the resources available for a region under the current account. API doc: """ api_endpoint = "/account/availability/{region}" id_attribute = "region" properties = { "region": Property(identifier=True), "unavailable": Property(unordered=True), "available": Property(unordered=True), }