Source code for linode_api4.objects.lke

from urllib import parse

from linode_api4.errors import UnexpectedResponseError
from linode_api4.objects import (

[docs] class KubeVersion(Base): """ A KubeVersion is a version of Kubernetes that can be deployed on LKE. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/lke/versions/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), }
[docs] class LKENodePoolNode: """ AN LKE Node Pool Node is a helper class that is used to populate the "nodes" array of an LKE Node Pool, and set up an automatic relationship with the Linode Instance the Node represented. """ def __init__(self, client, json): """ Creates this NodePoolNode """ #: The ID of this Node Pool Node = json.get( "id" ) # why do these have an ID if they don't have an endpoint of their own? #: The ID of the Linode Instance this Node represents self.instance_id = json.get("instance_id") #: The Instance object backing this Node Pool Node self.instance = Instance(client, self.instance_id) #: The Status of this Node Pool Node self.status = json.get("status")
[docs] class LKENodePool(DerivedBase): """ An LKE Node Pool describes a pool of Linode Instances that exist within an LKE Cluster. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/lke/clusters/{cluster_id}/pools/{id}" derived_url_path = "pools" parent_id_name = "cluster_id" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "cluster_id": Property(identifier=True), "type": Property(slug_relationship=Type), "disks": Property(), "count": Property(mutable=True), "nodes": Property( volatile=True ), # this is formatted in _populate below "autoscaler": Property(mutable=True), "tags": Property(mutable=True, unordered=True), } def _populate(self, json): """ Parse Nodes into more useful LKENodePoolNode objects """ if json is not None and json != {}: new_nodes = [ ( LKENodePoolNode(self._client, c) if not isinstance(c, dict) else c ) for c in json["nodes"] ] json["nodes"] = new_nodes super()._populate(json)
[docs] def recycle(self): """ Deleted and recreates all Linodes in this Node Pool in a rolling fashion. Completing this operation may take several minutes. This operation will cause all local data on Linode Instances in this pool to be lost. API Documentation: """ "{}/recycle".format(LKENodePool.api_endpoint), model=self ) self.invalidate()
[docs] class LKECluster(Base): """ An LKE Cluster is a single k8s cluster deployed via Linode Kubernetes Engine. API Documentation: """ api_endpoint = "/lke/clusters/{id}" properties = { "id": Property(identifier=True), "created": Property(is_datetime=True), "label": Property(mutable=True), "tags": Property(mutable=True, unordered=True), "updated": Property(is_datetime=True), "region": Property(slug_relationship=Region), "k8s_version": Property(slug_relationship=KubeVersion, mutable=True), "pools": Property(derived_class=LKENodePool), "control_plane": Property(mutable=True), } @property def api_endpoints(self): """ A list of API Endpoints for this Cluster. API Documentation: :returns: A list of MappedObjects of the API Endpoints :rtype: List[MappedObject] """ # This result appears to be a PaginatedList, but objects in the list don't # have IDs and can't be retrieved on their own, and it doesn't accept normal # pagination properties, so we're converting this to a list of strings. if not hasattr(self, "_api_endpoints"): results = self._client.get( "{}/api-endpoints".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self ) self._api_endpoints = [MappedObject(**c) for c in results["data"]] return self._api_endpoints @property def kubeconfig(self): """ The administrative Kubernetes Config used to access this cluster, encoded in base64. Note that this config contains sensitive credentials to your cluster. To convert this config into a readable form, use python's `base64` module:: import base64 config = my_cluster.kubeconfig yaml_config = base64.b64decode(config) # write this config out to disk with open("/path/to/target/kubeconfig.yaml", "w") as f: f.write(yaml_config.decode()) It may take a few minutes for a config to be ready when creating a new cluster; during that time this request may fail. API Documentation: :returns: The Kubeconfig file for this Cluster. :rtype: str """ if not hasattr(self, "_kubeconfig"): result = self._client.get( "{}/kubeconfig".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self ) self._kubeconfig = result["kubeconfig"] return self._kubeconfig
[docs] def node_pool_create(self, node_type, node_count, **kwargs): """ Creates a new :any:`LKENodePool` for this cluster. API Documentation: :param node_type: The type of nodes to create in this pool. :type node_type: :any:`Type` or str :param node_count: The number of nodes to create in this pool. :type node_count: int :param kwargs: Any other arguments to pass to the API. See the API docs for possible values. :returns: The new Node Pool :rtype: LKENodePool """ params = { "type": node_type, "count": node_count, } params.update(kwargs) result = "{}/pools".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self, data=params ) self.invalidate() if not "id" in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError( "Unexpected response creating node pool!", json=result ) return LKENodePool(self._client, result["id"],, result)
[docs] def cluster_dashboard_url_view(self): """ Get a Kubernetes Dashboard access URL for this Cluster. API Documentation: :returns: The Kubernetes Dashboard access URL for this Cluster. :rtype: str """ result = self._client.get( "{}/dashboard".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self ) return result["url"]
[docs] def kubeconfig_delete(self): """ Delete and regenerate the Kubeconfig file for a Cluster. API Documentation: """ self._client.delete( "{}/kubeconfig".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self )
[docs] def node_view(self, nodeId): """ Get a specific Node by ID. API Documentation: :param nodeId: ID of the Node to look up. :type nodeId: str :returns: The specified Node :rtype: LKENodePoolNode """ node = self._client.get( "{}/nodes/{}".format( LKECluster.api_endpoint, parse.quote(str(nodeId)) ), model=self, ) return LKENodePoolNode(self._client, node)
[docs] def node_delete(self, nodeId): """ Delete a specific Node from a Node Pool. API Documentation: :param nodeId: ID of the Node to delete. :type nodeId: str """ self._client.delete( "{}/nodes/{}".format( LKECluster.api_endpoint, parse.quote(str(nodeId)) ), model=self, )
[docs] def node_recycle(self, nodeId): """ Recycle a specific Node from an LKE cluster. API Documentation: :param nodeId: ID of the Node to recycle. :type nodeId: str """ "{}/nodes/{}/recycle".format( LKECluster.api_endpoint, parse.quote(str(nodeId)) ), model=self, )
[docs] def cluster_nodes_recycle(self): """ Recycles all nodes in all pools of a designated Kubernetes Cluster. API Documentation: """ "{}/recycle".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self )
[docs] def cluster_regenerate(self): """ Regenerate the Kubeconfig file and/or the service account token for a Cluster. API Documentation: """ "{}/regenerate".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self )
[docs] def service_token_delete(self): """ Delete and regenerate the service account token for a Cluster. API Documentation: """ self._client.delete( "{}/servicetoken".format(LKECluster.api_endpoint), model=self )