Source code for linode_api4.paginated_list

import math

from linode_api4.objects.serializable import JSONObject

[docs] class PaginatedList(object): """ The PaginatedList encapsulates the API V4's pagination in an easily consumable way. A PaginatedList may be treated like a normal `list` in all ways, and can be iterated over, indexed, and sliced. PaginatedLists should never be constructed manually, and instead should be created by requesting a collection of resources from the :any:`LinodeClient`. For example:: linodes = client.linode.instances() # returns a PaginatedList of Linodes Once you have a PaginatedList of resources, it doesn't matter how many resources the API will return - you can iterate over all of them without having to worry about pagination.:: # iterate over all linodes. If there are two or more pages, # they will be loaded as required. for linode in linodes: print(linode.label) You may access the number of items in a collection by calling `len` on the PaginatedList:: num_linodes = len(linodes) This will _not_ emit another API request. """ def __init__( self, client, page_endpoint, page=[], max_pages=1, total_items=None, parent_id=None, filters=None, ): self.client = client self.page_endpoint = page_endpoint self.query_filters = filters self.page_size = len(page) self.max_pages = max_pages self.lists = [None for _ in range(0, self.max_pages)] if self.lists: self.lists[0] = page self.list_cls = ( type(page[0]) if page else None ) # TODO if this is None that's bad self.objects_parent_id = parent_id self.cur = 0 # for being a generator self.total_items = total_items if not total_items: self.total_items = len(page)
[docs] def first(self): """ A convenience method for getting only the first item in this list. Exactly equivalent to getting index 0. :returns: The first item in this list. """ return self[0]
[docs] def last(self): """ A convenience method for getting only the last item in this list. Exactly equivalent to getting index -1. :returns: The first item in this list. """ return self[-1]
[docs] def only(self): """ Returns the first item in this list, and asserts that it is the only item. This is useful when querying a collection for a resource and expecting to get only one back. For instance:: # raises if it finds more than one Linode production_box = client.linode.instances( == "prod").only() :returns: The first and only item in this list. :raises ValueError: If more than one item is in this list. """ if len(self) == 1: return self[0] raise ValueError("List {} has more than one element!".format(self))
def __repr__(self): return "PaginatedList ({} items)".format(self.total_items) def _load_page(self, page_number): j = self.client.get( "/{}?page={}&page_size={}".format( self.page_endpoint, page_number + 1, self.page_size ), filters=self.query_filters, ) if j["pages"] != self.max_pages or j["results"] != len(self): raise RuntimeError( "List {} has changed since creation!".format(self) ) l = PaginatedList.make_list( j["data"], self.client, self.list_cls, parent_id=self.objects_parent_id, ) self.lists[page_number] = l def __getitem__(self, index): # this comes in here now, but we're hadling it elsewhere if isinstance(index, slice): return self._get_slice(index) # handle negative indexing if index < 0: index = len(self) + index if index < 0: raise IndexError("list index out of range") if index >= self.page_size * self.max_pages: raise IndexError("list index out of range") normalized_index = index % self.page_size target_page = math.ceil((index + 1.0) / self.page_size) - 1 target_page = int(target_page) if not self.lists[target_page]: self._load_page(target_page) return self.lists[target_page][normalized_index] def __len__(self): return self.total_items def _get_slice(self, s): # get range i = s.start if s.start is not None else 0 j = s.stop if s.stop is not None else self.total_items # we do not support steps outside of 1 yet if s.step is not None and s.step != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Only step sizes of 1 are currently supported." ) # if i or j are negative, normalize them if i < 0: i = self.total_items + i if j < 0: j = self.total_items + j # if i or j are still negative, that's an IndexError if i < 0 or j < 0: raise IndexError("list index out of range") # if we're going nowhere or backward, return nothing if j <= i: return [] result = [] for c in range(i, j): result.append(self[c]) return result def __setitem__(self, index, value): raise AttributeError( "Assigning to indicies in paginated lists is not supported" ) def __delitem__(self, index): raise AttributeError("Deleting from paginated lists is not supported") def __next__(self): if self.cur < len(self): self.cur += 1 return self[self.cur - 1] else: raise StopIteration() @staticmethod def make_list(json_arr, client, cls, parent_id=None): """ Returns a list of Populated objects of the given class type. This should not be called outside of the :any:`LinodeClient` class. :param json_arr: The array of JSON data to make into a list :param client: The LinodeClient to pass to new objects :param parent_id: The parent id for derived objects :returns: A list of models from the JSON """ result = [] for obj in json_arr: id_val = None # Special handling for JSON objects if issubclass(cls, JSONObject): result.append(cls.from_json(obj)) continue if "id" in obj: id_val = obj["id"] elif ( hasattr(cls, "id_attribute") and getattr(cls, "id_attribute") in obj ): id_val = obj[getattr(cls, "id_attribute")] else: continue o = cls.make_instance(id_val, client, parent_id=parent_id, json=obj) result.append(o) return result @staticmethod def make_paginated_list( json, client, cls, parent_id=None, page_url=None, filters=None ): """ Returns a PaginatedList populated with the first page of data provided, and the ability to load additional pages. This should not be called outside of the :any:`LinodeClient` class. :param json: The JSON list to use as the first page :param client: A LinodeClient to use to load additional pages :param parent_id: The parent ID for derived objects :param page_url: The URL to use when loading more pages :param cls: The class to instantiate for objects :param filters: The filters used when making the call that generated this list. If not provided, this will fail when loading additional pages. :returns: An instance of PaginatedList that will represent the entire collection whose first page is json """ l = PaginatedList.make_list( json["data"], client, cls, parent_id=parent_id ) p = PaginatedList( client, page_url, page=l, max_pages=json["pages"], total_items=json["results"], parent_id=parent_id, filters=filters, ) return p