Pagination ========== The Linode API V4 returns collections of resources one page at a time. While this is useful, this library abstracts away the details of pagination and makes collections of resources appear as a single, uniform list that can be accessed, iterated over, and indexed as any normal Python list would be:: regions = client.regions() # get a collection of Regions for region in regions: print( first_region = regions[0] last_region = regions[-1] Pagination is handled transparently, and as requested. For example, if you had three pages of Linode Instances, accessing your collection of Instances would behave like this:: instances = client.linode.instances() # loads the first page only instances[0] # no additional data is loaded instances[-1] # third page is loaded to retrieve the last Linode in the collection for instance in instances: # the second page will be loaded as soon as the first Linode on that page # is required. The first and third pages are already loaded, and will not # be loaded again. print(instance.label) The first page of a collection is always loaded when the collection is returned, and subsequent pages are loaded as they are required. When slicing a paginated list, only the pages required for the slice are loaded. PaginatedList class ------------------- .. autoclass:: linode_api4.PaginatedList :members: first, only, last